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The Fellowship of the King, Part 1: A Son and a Servant - Philippians 2:19-24



Philippians 2:19-24

Introduction: In the epic trilogy; The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein told a story of the battle of good against evil. A team was assembled to strike a blow against the forces of darkness and cast the ring into the fires of Mordor, “The Fellowship of the Ring.”  In that epic each one who had a part in the fellowship had a role to fulfill. They were all different, but they were all needed, and each had a part in the unfolding story. We have a part in a far greater story, a true story planned by God Himself. Instead of “The fellowship of the ring,” I’ve titled our next two sermons in Philippians, The Fellowship of the King.” I’ll call part 1, where Paul speaks of Timothy, “A Son and a Servant.” Of course, Jesus is Lord, and The Lord is our King! 

       Shockingly, the King came as a servant, gave his life for us, and was exalted to the right hand of the Father.  We’ve seen Paul’s humility as he just minimized his own importance in the unfolding plan of God by referring to himself as a “drink offering” about to be poured out over the sacrificial faith of the Philippians. He viewed their sacrifice as more important than his own. He now points to two co-workers, colleagues in ministry and brothers in the faith. They had different roles, but each was important in the Fellowship of the King. And each of us who know Christ has been saved for a purpose. 

        In the “Fellowship of the King” we all have a role to fulfill, a contribution to make to the unfolding plan of God.  We are a team – each of us unique, different and gifted to complement one another, and to serve together in God’s mission. He saved you on purpose, for a purpose.” You were created by God and uniquely gifted to fulfill a specific and important role in His mission in the world. God uses ordinary people like us in the extraordinary program of building His church. If you know Him, you too have a part in that mission!

       This week and next we’ll look at two ordinary men who exemplified faithful Christian living; two lives lived in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ (1:27). We’ll see that God uses ordinary people in His extraordinary mission in the world. Next week we’ll consider Epaphroditus, who seems to be the one who carried this letter on Paul’s behalf. For now, we’ll consider Timothy, one who Paul calls his “son in the faith.” Let’s remind ourselves of a little background…

        Timothy was a native of Lystra in the province of Galatia.  His mother Eunice was Jewish and his father was a Greek and possibly an unbeliever.   Since Paul calls him several times his “true son in the Lord,” though it doesn’t seem that Paul led him to the Lord, he certainly had a hand in discipling him and leading him deeper in his faith and mentoring him for the ministry. It could be that they met during Paul’s first missionary journey when he brought the gospel to Lystra for the first time (Acts 14:6-23). Both Timothy’s mother and his grandmother (Lois and Eunice) were believers and had instructed him in the Scriptures (2 Tim 3:15). Paul here commends Timothy to the Philippians (2:19-24). As we consider the example of Timothy, we’ll see…

The BIG Idea: We too have been called into the Fellowship of the King, tasked with carrying out God’s mission as a disciple who makes disciples. To do that we’ll need: 1) The Mind of Christ; 2) A Model for discipleship; and 3) A Ministry for us all – we all have a role in the Mission of God.

I. The Mind of Christ: God wants us to have the attitude of Jesus, remember back in 2:5, “Have this mind among you, which is yours in Christ Christ came as the Servant. Timothy, like Paul, had a servant’s mind (19-21).  Since we have spread our study in Philippians out over a few months already, it is easy to forget that this is a letter, and every detail must be considered in the context in which it is given. Paul had just spoken of his own situation in which he was willingly, if necessary, to lay down his life if that was the will of God.  Just before that he pointed to the example of Jesus himself, the one who existed in the form of God, and willing took the form of a servant. Before giving the example of Jesus he had urged the Philippians to unity, joy, and to living a life worthy of the Gospel (1:27).  How should we live as followers of Jesus? He now points to his friend and “son in the faith,” Timothy as a trustworthy example of the attitude of a servant. Look again at 2:19-21…

19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you.  20 For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.  21 They all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

       Timothy was someone Paul could trust to serve faithfully and to bring back a trustworthy report of the status of the church in Philippi.  He was sending Timothy to encourage them, know his genuine concern for them, and also so that Paul himself could be encouraged by hearing of them.

       Timothy had a servant’s mind, like his teacher Paul, like his Lord Jesus.  “Like minded” is literally “single-souled”, some translations say “kindred spirit.” They were certainly “on the same page” when it came to life and ministry! Paul could send Timothy with confidence as his representative – he would unquestionably serve for the good of the Philippians and for the glory of Christ.  By the way, remember how Paul started this letter, “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus” Normally the writer of a letter would identify himself in the opening words, here Paul includes Timothy as essentially a “co-writer” of the letter. As we have been reading the letter, we’ve seen Paul is the one speaking in the first-person singular most of the time, “I”, “my”, etc. He is the writer. He even refers to Timothy in the third person, as he does here. Paul, from verse 1, wanted to affirm to the Philippians that Timothy was truly a co-worker, a kindred-spirit, someone that Paul viewed as a partner in the ministry, as his spiritual son.

       Paul’s concern for the Philippians has been evident in this letter, and here he makes the point that Timothy too was genuinely concerned for them. This younger disciple is deeply concerned for the spiritual good of the Philippians. He really has a genuine, heartfelt concern for them, there was nothing fake or superficial about it. Rather, Paul says, Timothy is filled with a genuine, authentic concern for them. The word “concern” used here can be either negative or positive. In some contexts, have the sense “be anxious, worry” (see for example Phil 4:6). According to one pastor/commentator,

"Concerned" carries a specific meaning, because it indicates having strong feelings for something or someone. It conveys deep emotions, and it can be used either negatively or positively. It is used in the negative sense later in this letter when Paul writes, "Be anxious for nothing" (4: 6).

Concern is good, it is legitimate, it is normal as we live and serve in this fallen world. But “worry” is forgetting that God is with us always, even in the hard and challenging moments of life. It is to doubt His providence and his care. Be anxious for nothing! Timothy was concerned for others, he thought about the needs of the Philippians. It seems that could not be said of all of Paul’s companions – some were more focused on their own interests, and not so interested in what was best for others. Not all are spiritually at the same level of maturity. Paul could commend Timothy. But wherever we are in our growth God will use us as well. *We too have been called into the Fellowship of the King, tasked with carrying out God’s mission as a disciple who makes disciples.

II. A Model for Discipleship: We see that in Timothy as he was mentored by Paul for ministry (v.22). Paul knew this man, and Timothy was known to the Philippians. They knew his testimony, they understood where he came from.

22 But you know Timothy's proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel. 

       He had proven character, the implication is that he was not a new believer. He had been walking with God long enough for people to have seen his testimony in thick and thin, in good times and in hard times. When you first believed, were some people waiting to see if this was real, or a passing fad? I believe that was the case in my family!  Remember how Paul and Timothy began to serve together, we have the story in Acts 15:36 - 16:2 at the beginning of the second missionary journey. Luke reports that…  

36 And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are."  37 Now Barnabas wanted to take with them John called Mark. 38 But Paul thought best not to take with them one who had withdrawn from them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work. 39 And there arose a sharp disagreement, so that they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, 40 but Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.  41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. ESV Acts 16:1 Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek.  2 He was well spoken of by the brothers at Lystra and Iconium.

       There was a question about the faithfulness of John-Mark that brought a division between Paul and Barnabas. But as Paul and Silas went through Asia Minor, God added to their team a young disciple named Timothy. He would prove to be a co-worker that Paul could rely on through thick and thin. Timothy had served with Paul as a son might for a time work with his father, learning his trade, like an apprentice. That was the norm in the ancient world in terms of learning a trade. In times past that was also how many were trained for ministry – being mentored by an experienced pastor. [There is no way that a couple of semesters of Bible college should trump decades of personal Bible reading and involvement in the local church. You can have the letters after your name, but what matters most is knowing God through his Word.  We should all be students of the Word!]. Through your own devotional reading of the Bible over the years, from the accumulation of sermons you have heard and Bible studies you have participated in, you are learning and growing in your knowledge of the Word.

       As we learn to know Jesus better, I think we start to more consistently think God’s thoughts after Him. Remember, He is working in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure. *We have been called into the Fellowship of the King, tasked with carrying out God’s mission as a disciple who makes disciples.

III. A Ministry for us all: God entrusts each of us with a role in His mission. Timothy is an example of that, he was given a servant’s assignment (23-24). Paul had full confidence in Timothy. He was available and faithful, and God prepared him, He was at work in Him, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Ultimately the Lord of the harvest sends him forth into the harvest field!

23 I hope therefore to send him just as soon as I see how it will go with me,  24 and I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself will come also. 

       “Therefore [because of his proven character] I hope to send him…” By the way, we are all sent! Some overseas, most of us to our families, workplaces, our school, our neighborhoods. Our VBS and AWANA programs are really missionary outreach. Each of us has a part in God’s Mission. The Lord of the harvest is still calling and sending workers into his harvest. Is God raising up workers from among us? Remember, no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. We are the local manifestation of the body of Christ – according to His word, He will gift each of us.

       Later Paul will say of Timothy and Epaphroditus, “…hold such men in high regard…”  Haven’t you had people in your life that consistently reflected Christ? You just knew there was something real about them, something authentic. You knew they were interested in you and cared about you. As a believer, you are drawn to them, you respect them, you listen to what they say. There should be a bond, Christian love, a mutual respect, in the “Fellowship of the King.” God himself has put this team together, and He will continue to refine it for His purposes.  Not that he needs us, but amazingly he has chosen to use us!  Ordinary people, but our extraordinary God has chosen to use us in His worldwide mission! That means we should respect one another. We have value because God values us!

What is God saying to me in this passage? Let’s value each other, “…hold such… in high regard…”  In Tolkien’s books there was some squabbling among some of the members of the Fellowship… that never happens in the church, right?! It did in Philippi! There should be a bond, Christian love, a mutual respect, in the “Fellowship of the King.” God himself has put this team together.  Not that he needs us, but he has chosen to use us!  That means we should respect one another.  God has made us for community and gifted each of us! He will use us to encourage one another, and to build each other up, equipping us for the mission to which we have been called. That’s the BIG Idea:  We have been called into the Fellowship of the King, tasked with carrying out God’s mission as a disciple who makes disciples.

What would God have me to do in response to this passage?

     1) Do you have the attitude of Jesus, who humbled himself, and took the form of a servant? How do you know if have the attitude of a servant? How do you act when someone treats you like one?! It begins with our response to God, offering ourselves to Him out of thanksgiving for all He has done for us in Jesus. Are you willing to allow God to use you, to stretch you, perhaps even to sacrifice some of your comfort or security for the sake of the kingdom?

    2)  Stay flexible. Are our plans subject to God’s revision? Do we submit all of our plans (our travel plans, our business plans, even our daily "to do" list) to the sovereign will of God, or do we just press forward in presumption, assuming that we are in control of our life? God get’s the last word!  I had a Jewish student who liked to say, “Man plans, and God laughs.”

     3)  Be available. If we keep God’s mission In our heart and mind, if we recognize He is with us, guiding us through our day, we will recognize some divine appointments, moments and encounters arranged by the King. By God’s design we are part of the Fellowship of the King. He has gifted us to build each other up, and He has entrusted us with a message to bring to the world. Time is limited: For one thing, our years are numbered, for another Jesus is returning! We should commit to faithfully living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ. In view of what Christ has done for us, how should we then live? Are we willing to think about the needs of others before ourselves? We can only do that if God is working in us.      AMEN


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