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Serving with Joy! - Philippians 1:1-2


“Serving with Joy!”

Philippians 1:1,2; cf. Acts 16:7-40

Introduction: After our long study of Mark, we begin a new series today in a shorter book, a letter, sent by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Mark emphasized the Passion of Christ, and called us to follow Jesus, whatever the cost, in the light of who He is and what He did for us. We may not like the way things are going around us. Our country is as politically divided as ever. Some of us may be despondent over the options before us in the coming election (and the 4 months of political ads we must yet endure!). Still, we’ll stay informed and prayerful as we participate, knowing we are first and foremost citizens of heaven and children of the King! In this letter Paul calls us to serve the Lord with joy! We know that God is in control, and that Jesus is building His church. When we see sin and evil in the world, we are reminded that this is why Jesus came… to save sinners. Today we begin the letter to the Philippians, and we’ll be invited to think more like Jesus, and so find joy in serving Him.

       Commentator Gordon Fee calls Philippians a letter of friendship. Unlike Galatians and Colossians, written to respond to a false doctrine, or First Corinthians which addressed a series of practical / pastoral concerns, the Philippians were largely walking in obedience. They were by no means perfect. We will see Paul call out by name a couple of ladies who were in conflict! Yes, no church is perfect, but we can and should be growing and learning to think more like Jesus!

        Paul was writing to what was likely the first church planted in Europe. You can read the account of the beginning of the second missionary journey in Acts 16 (see map). Paul and his companions were traveling through Asia Minor, but God seemingly providentially closed the doors for further ministry there (16:6-7). Then Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia, gesturing to him, and saying, “come on over and help us.”

       Philippi is where Paul met Lydia with some other women down by the river, and the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul (16:14). She was baptized and extended hospitality to the missionary team. As Paul was heading to that place of prayer down by the river, he encountered a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain (16:16). Paul cast out the demon, angering her owners, who had Paul arrested (16:19). The missionaries were thrown in prison, but they would not allow that to dampen their joy. They were singing in their cell, when suddenly the ground shook, their chains fell off, and the prison doors opened.  You know the story; the jailer comes to faith! He asked the most important question of his life, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas give perhaps the most unexpected answer:  Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved…” (16:31). He and his household believed, and they were baptized.

       Fast forward twelve years or so, and Paul is writing to the church that grew out of those experiences. Paul is a prisoner again, this time in Rome. It seems likely that this is the imprisonment we read about at the end of the book of Acts. So, Paul, a prisoner, uncertain about how things would end with this imprisonment, is writing now to an established church, and encouraging them to find joy in serving Jesus, by embracing the attitude of Jesus and serving one another. Have you ever been encouraged by a prisoner? I have! I hope you will be as we work through this letter over the next few months. For today, we’ll focus on just the first couple of verses…

The BIG Idea: Trust in Christ, and find joy in serving Him in His church. We’ll consider that from four perspectives, beginning with the first two verses: 1) A Foundation for Joy: An attitude of servanthood; 2) Find Joy in serving in light of our position “in Christ”; 3) Find Joy in Servant Leadership; and 4) Find Joy in the Truth: Holding forth sound doctrine.

I. A Foundation for Joy: An attitude of servanthood (1:1a).

       And so, the letter begins, introducing the senders, “Paul and Timothy…” Paul was certainly the writer, with Timothy possibly serving as his secretary. We’ll see Paul talking in the first person in several places, and even referring to “sending Timothy” to the church. What we see here is the humility of Paul.  This is a letter where Paul doesn’t call himself “an apostle of Jesus Christ” in the opening. He simply identifies himself, along with Timothy, as the senders of the letter. Timothy was known to the church (Acts 16:1, 13) and was soon to travel to Philippi (2:19-22).  Though Paul is writing there is no need to claim his authority as an apostle – the church knew and respected him. And by including Timothy in the greeting he is affirming Timothy’s gifts and leadership. Humility is not a common characteristic in leaders. I like the way Andrew Murray described it:

“Humility is perfect quietness of heart…  It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and above is trouble.  The humble man is not one who thinks meanly of himself, he simply does not think of himself at all…”

       So, Paul, in his greeting, does not identify himself as an apostle,  but begins, “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus…” Paul could assume the Philippians recognized that authority, there was no need to assert it, much less defend it.  The word “servants” is the plural form of the word “doulos” often translated “bond-servant” or “slave.”  It was used in the ancient world to designate someone who was bound to another. Paul understood that he belonged to Jesus, and that even as he served the churches to whom he ministered, he served the Lord.

       Many writers agree that when used in the NT of a believer’s relationship with Jesus Christ, doulos reflects willing, determined, and devoted service. The Law provided that

“…if a slave plainly says I love my master, my wife and my children; I will not go out as a free man, then his master shall bring him to God, then he shall bring him to the door or the door post.  And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him permanently…” (Ex 21:5-6). 

We serve Him by serving others, and like Paul, we can do it joyfully. Charles Swindoll said, “You’ll know if you have the attitude of a servant by how you react when someone treats you like one.”  As recipients of grace, we have peace with God and have been set apart from the world to joyfully serve Him in obedience to His Word. That’s the Big Idea: *Trust Christ, and find joy in serving Him in His church. Our attitude leads to…

II. Finding joy in serving: in the light of our position “in Christ” (1:1b).

       Paul turns to the recipients of the letter, “…to all the saints…”  Literally, “holy ones, those who are “set apart.”  “Saints” does not refer to a class of special Christians who are more pious or reverent than most – rather it is used by Paul to designate all the believers in a given place: For example, the Corinthians are called “saints” (I Cor 1:2) yet are clearly immature in many areas (I Cor 3:1-3). It is always in the plural, not referring to a specific individual, but to “all the saints.” For those of us who come from a tradition that viewed “sainthood” as something conferred by the church to a special few, and only after their death, it takes some time to come to grips with the idea that all who know Christ, all who have trusted Him as their personal Savior are saints!

       What sets us apart is our position, “…in Christ Jesus…”  (cf. Eph 2:4-6).  The phrase “In Christ” describes our union with Christ. It’s like the air that is in us, yet we are also in the air. You are the air I breathe! Christ is in us, and we are in Him. We are united with Christ, a member of his body, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Practically, we are justified, declared righteous, because Jesus took our sin, and his righteousness was reckoned to our account (cf. Phil 3:8,9). We are holy, because He is holy and we are in Christ.

       So, Paul writes “…to the saints in Christ who are in Philippi…” Acts 16 describes Paul’s early ministry in Philippi. There he went down by the riverside and met some women who were seeking to know the God of Israel, Lydia, a seller of purple, being the first convert. Perhaps the jailer, who came to faith at the end of that same chapter was still among them.  We’ve been set apart from the world and united with Christ.

       Paul told the Romans, Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom 6:11).  Then he said, Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (8:1). That is good news! As recipients of grace, we have peace with God and have been set apart to joyfully serve Him!  So, the Big Idea here is, Trust in Christ, and find joy in serving Him in His church.

III. Finding Joy in Servant Leadership: “…with the overseers and deacons…” Paul is assuming here a biblical view of the church and church leadership. 

       Paul is writing to the saints in Philippi, with the  “…overseers and deacons…”  The ESV translates the first office as “overseers,” the NKJV uses “bishops.” How are we to understand these offices?  The word translated “overseer” occurs five times in the NT, and it clearly it is synonymous with “elder” and “pastor/shepherd.”   Notice Paul’s use of “elder” and “overseer” in His farewell in Acts 20, “Now from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church to come to him…” (Acts 20:17); and then in v.28, Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for [“shepherd”] the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” So, we see the terms “elders” and “overseers” describe the same group, and their work is “shepherding” or “pastoring.” Likewise in Titus 1:5-9 we see the terms used in parallel. Paul says to Titus,

5 This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you-  6 if anyone is above reproach...  7 For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach… 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.

 Here the elders are also called “overseers,” and they must hold firm to the word and give instruction.  As we search the Bible, we see that…  

   1) Shepherds know the sheep – Jesus, the Good Shepherd, said “I know my own, and my own know me…” (Jn 10:14).  

   2) They also feed the sheep. The Good Shepherd is indicting his under-shepherds, the leaders of Israel in Ezekiel 34 when he says “…I will feed them in a good pasture… I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest…” (Ezek 34:14, 15).  As God’s under-shepherds, elders are responsible to oversee and share in the teaching ministry of the church.

   3) Shepherds lead the sheep – the Good Shepherd is our model. The Psalmist says “He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Ps 23:2b-3). So too elders are leaders. That implies the sheep are willing to follow!

   4) Shepherds protect the sheep – Paul told the elders in Ephesus in Acts 20: “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flockafter my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock…” (20:28-29). Defending against false teachers, those who would come in and bring division is critical. That is a lot of responsibility!

       Paul writes to the saints, with the elders “…and deacons…” In I Timothy 3 Paul lists similar spiritual qualifications for overseers (3:1-7) and deacons (8-11), with an emphasis on “service”.  Acts 6:1-6, when seven men filled with the Holy Spirit were appointed to oversee the distribution of food to the Greek speaking widows, probably points to the start of the office of deacon.  So, deacons were leaders, spiritually qualified, aiding the elders by sharing in the ministry, initially in terms of the physical needs of the church body. In Acts we see that Philip and Stephen were among the first deacons, and soon they are out preaching and evangelizing! Those who are called serve not grudgingly, but joyfully. *Trust in Christ, and find joy in serving Him in His church.

IV. Finding Joy in the Truth: Hold forth Sound Doctrine (1:2).

      Paul uses a greeting that is uniquely Christian, in verse 2, a variation of the common greetings in use in the Greek world, and among the Jews, “…grace to you and peace…” Implicit in those words is the Good News of the Grace of God, and the promise of Peace with God for all who believe. Because it varies from the typical greeting of the day, it would catch the attention of the original readers and invite them to think about what Paul was implying.  Paul takes what was a similar sounding word used in greetings of his day, and makes it into a greeting that is a prayer, reflecting his view of sound doctrine:

      Grace to you…” Grace, God’s unmerited favor. Grace is getting blessing that we do not deserve. Justice is getting what we do deserve. Mercy is not getting what we do deserve. We are saved by grace. But in the Bible, grace is not only an objective description of the nature of our salvation, but it describes God working in us, empowering us and transforming us. Paul prays elsewhere for his readers to “grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” It seems to me that practically this relates to the idea of being filled with the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit.  And so, we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for God is at work in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure… (cf. Phil 2:12,13).  It is interesting that Paul begins and ends this letter with a reference to God’s grace (see 4:23).  One pastor said Paul gives us ten words that tell us all we need to know about grace in Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” G.R.A.C.E.  Aren’t you glad for that? 

       Grace to you, “…and peace…” Shalom, “peace,” was a familiar greeting used by Jews like Paul. There seems to be significance in the order of the words Paul uses, Grace is what is given to God’s people, peace is what results. Gordon Fee said, “The sum total of God’s activity toward his human creatures is found in the word ‘grace.’”  God has given himself to his people bountifully and mercifully in Christ.  Nothing is deserved, nothing can be achieved. The sum total of those benefits as they are experienced by the recipients of God’s grace is “peace,” both now, and to come” [See Rom 5:1].

       Finally, we see the Source of this blessing: “…from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…” Paul is bringing greetings, and speaking blessing, from God. As we study this letter, may we receive it as God’s Word to us!

What is God saying to me in this passage?  The world we live in is chaotic, even here in the United States, even more so for so many of our brothers and sisters around the world. *Trust in Christ, and find joy in serving Him in His church.

What would he have me to do in response to his Word?  Have you ever been encouraged by a prisoner? I have! I hope you will be as we work through this letter!

   1) We see the humility of Paul as this letter begins. Later he’ll say that Jesus himself took the form of a servant. How do we serve Christ? By obeying Him. We can show kindness in the name of Jesus for our neighbors. Each of us has gifts that can edify others in the church. Let’s determine to follow Jesus’ example of servanthood.   

   2) When you start to feel discouraged, think about who you are and whose you are: a saint, in Christ! His grace should move our hearts to worship!

   3) Paul was a prisoner, but wrote with joy, encouraging the Philippians. In Jesus we have peace with God (Rom 5:1), in Him we can have the peace of God… Later in this letter Paul will say “be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, that passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”! AMEN


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