DESPISED AND REJECTED OF MEN Mark 15:16-21 Introduction : In the film Saving Private Ryan soldiers are sent out to find Private Ryan and to bring him home because his brothers had been killed in the war. It was an act of mercy for his mother’s sake. Several of the soldiers who seek him are killed – and one whispers his dying words to Private Ryan, “ Earn this .” The final scene of the film is of an old Private Ryan in the cemetery of the war dead asking himself the question, “ Did I earn it? Was I worthy? ” There are parallels to the gospel message in the sacrifice of his rescuers, but Jesus did not say as he died for us, “Earn this.” He cried out, “ It is finished .” We can’t earn our salvation. His sacrifice was sufficient to save us completely. We can’t add anything— it is finished . This is why He came. Through His blood, His supreme sacrifice for our sins—all who believe will be saved. The Cross was God’s plan. In addressin...