Christmas: The Revelation of God in Christ! John 1:14-18 Introduction: “Here is something marvelous: the Son of God descended from heaven in such a way that, without leaving heaven, he willed to be borne in the virgin’s womb, to go about the earth, and to hang upon the cross; yet he continuously filled the world even as he had done from the beginning!” (John Calvin). Let it sink in for a moment, the God who is, the Great I AM, the One who is so immense as to fill the universe, so awesome as to speak all that exists into being, so powerful as to hold it all together, willfully, purposefully, took the form of a human, and lived in this fallen world among men. He then, though innocent, went to the Cross and died as our substitute, to rescue us from the penalty of sin. In an Advent devotional, in an entry written by Kelly Kapic, she reflected on this awesome truth: “So, is Jesus… [h]uman or divine? Yes! Both are true in one person, this one baby boy. We can imagine God bringing ...