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Showing posts from November, 2024

The Joy of True Contentment in Christ - Philippians 4:10-23

 The Joy of True Contentment in Christ Philippians 4:10-23 Introduction: Today we arrive at the end of this series in Philippians, which started at the end of June. As we read and reflect on these final words of Paul to this church which he knew and loved, I hope we share in the joy, contentment, and peace that the Apostle knew. We’ve called this series in Philippians “Joy in Serving Jesus.” It is my prayer that we will continue to rejoice in the Lord, and continue to serve Him faithfully.        Here Paul emphasizes that no matter what the circumstances, if we have Jesus we have enough. He is sufficient to fill our every need. Paul talks about contentment in Christ in these verses. Remember the context, contentment is not complacency. Paul has talked about pressing on, striving for more depth and intimacy in his relationship with Christ. Yet even as a prisoner, with an uncertain future, Paul is filled with joyful contentment in Christ. With all that is happenin...

Prayer, Peace, and the Presence of God - Philippians 4:6-9

 Peace, Prayer, and the Presence of God Philippians 4:6-9 We are nearing the end of the letter Paul wrote to the Philippians, and the admonitions he gives will reflect the themes we’ve seen in his letter. I would invite you to take 45 minutes or so, and prayerfully read through this epistle from beginning to end. You know some of the setting that we’ve been able to gleen over the past months, the imprisonment of Paul, his love for the believers in Philippi, their ministry to him despite the hardship they  were enduring along with the other churches of Macedonia. We’ve been encouraged by the faithfulness of Epaphroditus and Timothy, faithful co-workers of Paul, and an example to the church. We also got a glimpse of an internal conflict between two sisters in Philippi, women Paul knew to be believers and who he had served with and appreciated for their faithful ministry in the Lord, but who for some reason had separated from each other. No church is perfect, right? But even in...

Let's Keep the Peace! - Philippians 4:1-5

 Let’s Keep the Peace! Philippians 4:1-5 Introduction: Another election day is history, democracy at work! Hopefully the results will be certified, and the transition will go peacefully. The intensity of the rhetoric leading up to the election, and even the violence and threats of violence we have seen, may make us echo the words of the song writer, “There is no peace on Earth, I said…” We pray for order, but we are not surprised by the tribulation around us. After all, our Lord said, “In the world you will have tribulation.” But what about in the church? I am not talking about theological crises and reformation. Why in the church, among evangelical believers, do we see disagreement and conflict? Can we live together peaceably even when we disagree? What do our neighbors see, on the outside looking in? Remember Paul’s exhortation back in Phil 1:27,  “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of y...

Run with Endurance! - Philippians 3:12-4:1

RUN WITH ENDURANCE! Philippians 3:12-4:1 Introduction: The Philadelphia Marathon is just a few weeks away. I will not be running this year (nor have I ever, nor do I plan to in the future!). My son-in-law will be running, and my younger brother has run six times in the past. I’ve adapted the title of my message to the coming marathon, as Paul uses the imagery of running, pressing on, and enduring in the Christian life. As we are getting to the end of Philippians, we see an emphasis, in these final admonitions, on Paul’s concern for practical Christian living. Perilous times will come! In the light of the Gospel, how then should we live? Paul frequently uses several “athletic metaphors,” like “fighting the good fight” or “running a race with endurance.” The paragraph today uses the imagery of a runner, pushing toward the finish line, striving with every fiber to win the race set before him.   Context: Paul has just urged the Philippians to guard the truth of the Gospel and to n...