The Joy of True Contentment in Christ Philippians 4:10-23 Introduction: Today we arrive at the end of this series in Philippians, which started at the end of June. As we read and reflect on these final words of Paul to this church which he knew and loved, I hope we share in the joy, contentment, and peace that the Apostle knew. We’ve called this series in Philippians “Joy in Serving Jesus.” It is my prayer that we will continue to rejoice in the Lord, and continue to serve Him faithfully. Here Paul emphasizes that no matter what the circumstances, if we have Jesus we have enough. He is sufficient to fill our every need. Paul talks about contentment in Christ in these verses. Remember the context, contentment is not complacency. Paul has talked about pressing on, striving for more depth and intimacy in his relationship with Christ. Yet even as a prisoner, with an uncertain future, Paul is filled with joyful contentment in Christ. With all that is happenin...