In the World You WILL Have Tribulation! Mark 13:1-13 Introduction : After our 4-week advent series, and now on the brink of starting a new year, I think it fits to return to our series in Mark, specifically chapter 13, where Jesus alludes to His second coming, and to the tribulation that we will experience in the world. Earlier in this Gospel, Jesus had told his hearers to count the cost of following Him (8:31-35). There was no cover up, no hiding of the hardship that would come with discipleship. He said “ If anyone would be my disciple, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me .” Here, in the Olivet discourse, He once again warns His disciples that perilous times were coming, that in the world they would have tribulation ( cf. Jn 16:33). The New Testament tells us that things will become difficult in the “last days.” In the last letter that the Apostle Paul wrote, he said in 2 Timothy 3:2-5, But understand this, that in the last days there w...