What will YOU do with Jesus? Mark 12:1-12 Jesus frequently used scenes from everyday life to teach in parables. This is an example of that. It was common in the ancient world for families to live on and farm land that didn’t belong to them. They plowed the owner’s land, planted the owner’s seeds, and picked the owner’s harvest. In return for their hard work, they kept some of the food they produced and gave the rest to the landowner. God is the Landowner. He created the universe, it is His. Jesus is indicting the past leaders of Israel for rejecting the messengers sent by God, and now these leaders, for rejecting the Son . Of course, that imagery also applies to us all. We don’t own anything; we just manage a part of God’s creation. We can make the same mistake the tenants in this parable made. We start imagining we own the vineyard! Truth: God owns it all! Jesus here uses that imagery. Context : It is the passion week, and...