I Believe… Help My Unbelief! Mark 9:14-29 Introduction: Have you ever had the experience of coming down from a “mountain top” experience, and then immediately being confronted by the reminder of the struggles of life in a fallen world? Elijah certainly had such an experience after contending with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (I Kings 18). After seeing God send fire down from heaven before the people, he heard that Jezebel had sworn to put him to death, and in despair he prayed for God to take him (I Kings 19:2-4)! Consider Moses who spoke with God on Mount Sinai. He entered the cloud that covered the mountain and received from God the Law (Ex 31). When he delayed in returning the people had Aaron make a Golden Calf, and they set it in the center of the camp and were having a wild party! What about you? Maybe you return from a Christian conference or a retreat and you are feeling on top of the world. And then you get home, and the...