Jonah, and other Prodigals Jonah 1:1-3 Introduction: Today we start a new series on the little book of Jonah. Dr. Paul Tripp suggests that this short book, just 48 verses, tells us “… everything we need to know about a biblical worldview in a podcast …” He points to four major themes… 1. A God of awesome glory who is at the center of the universe (He is, not you!). He is King of the Universe! Sin is the desire to put ourselves in that place that is God’s alone. 2. This world in which we live is terribly broken by sin. It is evident in big cities, and in small towns… in human lives… Society might tolerate sin, but sin is not ok. Nineveh was corrupt, exceedingly evil, so is Philadelphia. What is true of cities begins in human hearts. When we would rather have our way, our control, our pleasure, that is sin, we too, like Jonah, are turning away from God, we’re trying to flee to Tarshish… 3. Human beings were created...