Getting the Gospel Right: Faith, Fidelity, and Faithfulness Galatians 2:1-10 Introduction : Just last week we passed the 48 th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Since that date, by one count, there has been an estimated 62 million abortions in our country. Let that number sink in. God created humans in His image, and in case you weren’t sure about it, He demonstrated the value of human life by sending His Son into this fallen world, to live a sinless life, dying as our substitute, taking our sins, and by grace, imputing His righteousness to all who will believe. God so loved the world … Clearly, God values human life that highly! Abortion is surely one of the great moral evils of our time. Why is it so accepted? We live in a fallen world. The problem is sin, the answer is Jesus. Our nation is divided. Racial injustice separates us. Political ideologies divide us. Even though we’re all descendants of Adam, and for that matter, fur...