“He must increase, I must decrease” John 3:22-30 Introduction: One of the things that may surprise us when we pick up the New Testament for the first time, is the fact that we have four Gospels that tell us about the life and ministry of Jesus. Why didn’t God give us a single, complete biography of the Lord? Some scholars have tried to help us out by putting together a harmony of the Gospels. Those works can be useful to guide us to see the connected history of Christ, helping us to understand that the gospels do in fact complement one another, they don’t contradict. Even so, by God’s design, the inspired record, the Bible, gives four parallel and complementary Gospels. Each one has its own emphases in terms of theology and pastoral concerns. All four Gospels agree on the fundamentals: Jesus is the promised Messiah, the Son of God, and He came in fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament. He came to give His life so that fallen humans could be reconciled to Holy God. He...
Come to the Light! John 3:11-21 Introduction: Thinking of the theme of “light and darkness,” I remembered a night about 20 years ago, when I was teaching an evening class at the Baptist Seminary in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The class was proceeding normally, when suddenly, the lights went out, we were plunged into darkness. The power grid was not always reliable, and brief outages sometimes happened. For a couple of minutes, I tried to continue lecturing in the dark, but that was not going to work, it was difficult enough for the students to understand my “Americanized” Portuguese with the lights on and PowerPoint illustrating the lecture! I had some papers to return to the students, and several of them had cell phones, so with the light of their phones they came forward and got their papers. Then we dismissed the class. As I left the school and began the drive home, I was surprised as I drove, mile after mile, the city of over 15 million people was in darkness. Traffic lights were not ...